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Analisi territoriale delle criticità: strumenti e metodi per l'integrazione delle politiche per le risorse idriche

On the INEA website is available  the publication "Analysis of the territorial problems: tools and methods for the integration of agricultural policies for water resources - Application in Northern and Southern Italy ."
The work was carried out by INEA as part of the project "Monitoring and address of the programming for the irrigation sector in relation to the water framework directive 2000/60/EC and the trend of climate change."
The project was funded by the Mipaaf , and it is an instrument of policy support in the new programming for the development of rural areas, specifically targets the integration with the objectives of the Framework Directive to water ( Dqa ) .

The report presents a spatial analysis of the critical issues related to the use of irrigation water in the territories of the districts of the Po River basin , the eastern Alps and the Southern Apennines . The report analyzes the agricultural policies in place in the North and South of Italy , in order to assess the impact of measures already implemented in the current programming and focusing on the related problems . In addition, the report provides useful information for the new rural development programming .

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