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Umbria Regional office

    From excellences to excellence in rural society. The societal challenge of agriculture

    On the 19th May at the Seraphic Institute of Assisi was held a seminar entitled : "Dalle eccellenze rurali alle eccellenze sociali. La sfida sociale dell'agricoltura" (From excellences to excellence in rural society.The societal challenge of agriculture). 

    The workshop - organized by INEA Umbria and the National Rural Network - has been designed with the aim to bring out innovative business ideas which have produced investment projects financed by the RSP for 2007-2013.

    It was also presented the call for tenders 'Social Plus' to bring out the best examples of rural excellences with a high social content.



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    Info Info

    INEA - Umbria
    c/o Istituto di Economia e Politica Agraria, Borgo XX Giugno, 74
    06121 Perugia (PG)
    Tel. 075 5856275
    Fax. 075 34051

    Geofraphic coordinates:

    Lat: 43.102691
    Lon: 12.394488