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Guidelines for the conservation and characterisation of plant, animal and microbial genetic resources for food and agriculture. Executive summary

It's available on line the English version of the Executive summary of the Guidelines  for the conservation and characterisation of plant, animal  and microbial genetic resources for food and agriculture funded by the Ministry of Agricultural Food and Forestry Policies within the framework of the National Plan for Agricultural Biodiversity's activities and adopted by decree of the Ministry of Agriculture on 6 July 2012.

The guidelines, unique of its kind both at national and international level, have been realized within a research project committed to INEA and drafted by a group of experts, under the supervision of the Standing Committee on Genetic Resources in Agriculture. The document is addressed to Regions and Autonomous Provinces, requested to implement the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Law no. 01/2004). The guidelines aim to support farmers and people involved in biodiversity conservation fostering the adoption of common, standardised and shared  methods.

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