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Sviluppo rurale Sviluppo rurale

Elenco Pubblicazioni Elenco Pubblicazioni

Il contesto socio-economico e ambientale del Friuli Venezia Giulia nello scenario di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020

The volume provides a representation of the socio-economic and environmental of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region through a series of data and information to assess the complexity of the agricultural, agri-food, forestry and environment of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The work has been developed to support decisions for regional rural development policies in the context of the 2014-2020 programming period.

The document is divided into eight chapters that are based on the six priorities of the EC Regulation 1305/2013 and explore the regional context, assessing the potential and indirectly highlighting the possible paths of development through the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses , opportunities and threats. 

Quantitative data are also supplemented by qualitative elements emerged from the consultation of the partnership. The topics considered are: a) the territory and the population; b) training, innovation and counseling; c) the structural dynamics and economic agriculture; d) the main productive sectors; e) the agri-food sector; f) the environment, the climate and protected areas; g) renewable energy and forests; h) the mountain areas and local development. 

This information system, in support of a path with the Region, has led to the identification of regional needs on which to build a strategy for rural development.

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