INEA Informa - la terra in cammino
It is already available the number 7/8 of "INEA informs", the monthly newsletter edited by the Institute, entitled "The Earth on the way" that provides updated and usable information on the major activities of the Institute.
This number, after dealing with the development of the Land Market and Rents in Italy, is devoted to some thoughts related to the environment: "A movie to save water", an initiative launched by the United Nations to schools all over the world for the creation of videos dedicated to the theme of water, in which INEA and MIPAAF (the Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry) have been involved; it is an analysis of the biological with particular reference to mixed farms and furthermore "Agro-meteorology", the conference which has been focused on the interactions between agricultural meteorology, environment and food and water safety.
In conclusion, we dealt themes of mechanization of Italian agriculture and the collective approach to the use of meadows and pastures in Valle d'Aosta.