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Innovation in rural development policies - 2014/2020

The Institute Agrobio has been host a workshop on "Innovation in rural development policies 2014-2020", on Thursday 7th November 2013 at 9.30 am., in Metaponto di Bernalda (MT).

The renewed interest of the Community policy on Research and Innovation, as well as the chance to trigger the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for productivity and sustainability in agriculture through the working groups, which envisage the participation of the various players in the research and knowledge chain, require a moment of reflection and discussion at local level.

The workshop has been organized by the National Rural Network and by the INEA regional headquarters in Basilicata, after the institutional greetings of Andrea Freschi, Director General of the Agro-cultural Department (SREM), has planned the participation of: Anna Vagnozzi on "Innovation in rural development policies"; Maria Assunta D'Oronzio on "Innovation in Rural Development programme in Basilicata 2007/2013" and Carmela De Vivo on "the agro-food system in Basilicata".

Following has been expected, a debate with the presence of producers' organizations, cooperation, training, research and consultancy.


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