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Lo stato del mercato forestale del carbonio In Italia 2012

The report "State of the Italian Forest Carbon Market 2012" presents the analysis of the voluntary carbon credits transaction realized in Italy or thanks to forest projects developed by Italian organizations in Italy and abroad. The survey conducted by Nucleo Monitoraggio Carbonio was able to receive information from 17 Italian organizations.

In 2011 in Italy were sold 244.181 tCO2eq corresponding to an economic value of 2,02 million of euro. The market has steadily growth from 2009 when transactions were reported to be 34.560 tCO2eq. The average credit price is 5,34 €/tCO2eq with values ranging from a minimum of 1,1 €/tCO2eq to a maximum of 58 €/tCO2eq. Afforestation and reforestation have been reported the most frequent project type, adopting mostly native species. The overall area affected by Italian forest carbon projects amount to a total of 12.713 hectares. Non profit organizations are playing a major role in the development of forest carbon projects.

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