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Climate Change Scenarios for Italian livestock sector

Project Manager: Coderoni Silvia.

End of project: 31/12/2014.

The research project "Climate Change Scenarios for Italian livestock sector" analyses the mitigation potential of Italian livestock sector, mostly from a supply-side perspective, without disregarding some issues related to the demand-side. Specific research objectives are related to: a) estimation of the carbon footprint (CF) of six different food chains and their mitigation potential; b) analyses of the aggregated impacts of an emission standard in the agricultural sector; c) description of the main trend in the demand side perspective (standard of certification, retailers strategies related to products with a CF and consumer willingness to pay for products with a CF).

More specifically it analyzes the level and reduction options of the product carbon footprint of some agricultural supply chains (milk, Parmigiano cheese, pig for fattening, laying hens and broilers) with an LCA approach. It also estimates the farm-level carbon footprint by adapting IPCC guidelines at farm level using FADN and the Marginal Abatement Cost curve for Italian agricultural sector for the introduction of a GHG standard of reduction using CAPRI (Common agricultural policy regionalised impacts) modelling system.

Besides within the research project it is provided training and information for farmers on mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The aim of this activity is firstly to raise awareness about climate change scenarios in the agricultural sector by promoting mitigation of greenhouse gases and, then, to create capacity-building at local level for both mitigation and adaptation options. The activities are carried out, with the collaboration of an agricultural association, through meetings farmers and experts in locations selected by the presence of farms and through the dissemination of a brochure at national level.


carbon footprint, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprint, marginal costs of emissions abatement, mitigation, animal husbandry.


 Primi passi con il modello CAPRI - Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impacts Analysis

 Impronta Carbonica Aziende Agricole Italiane (ICAAI)


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