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Comportamenti e consumi socialmente responsabili nel sistema agroalimentare

In the last few years, responsible consumption has played a key role to highlight consumers' concern as far as the four macro-areas are regarded. To this extent, the work of INEA has a double goal: on one hand, understanding the main features of the ethical consumers and the purchase drivers likewise; upon the other hand, identifying the communication strategies implemented by those companies that undertook a CSR path in the agribusiness sector.


I metodi di produzione sostenibile nel sistema agroalimentare

An agricultural system is sustainable if the overall impacts produced do not hamper the ecosystem to regenerate. The INEA work group on sustainable production methods reviews numerous examples of social responsibility applied to the agro-food system divided per macro-areas....

Casi studio - Le esperienze italiane sulla responsabilità sociale nel settore agricolo e agroalimentare

"Italian experiences on corporate social responsibility" aims at finding common patterns in the adoption of CSR practices and assessing their impact in terms of internal organization and business results....

Promoting social responsibility of farms and agri-food enterprises

In the past few years, socio-environmental issues have become an integral part of the agricultural policies' content. In fact, the latest development patterns are demanding a different...

Linee guida - Promuovere la responsabilità sociale delle imprese agricole e agroalimentari

In the past few years, socio-environmental issues have become an integral part of the agricultural policies' content. In fact, the latest development patterns are demanding a different understanding of competitiveness, entailing commitment towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. Within the agribusiness sector, the new challenge lies in the capability of farms to produce healthy and genuine...


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Project Manager Project Manager


Lucia Briamonte

tel. 06 47856 254
fax 06 47856 357

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