"Promozione della cultura contadina" (Promotion of rural culture) is a project funded by Mipaaf (Ministry of Agriculture) that develops along two main tasks.
The first is aimed primarily at promoting social and cultural aspects of agriculture and the rural world, the second one is more oriented to the acquisition of new knowledge and deeper understanding of aspects still not well known.
As far as the first area of activity, the objectives of the project can be defined as follows:
- Contribute to the dissemination of knowledge of the social and cultural aspects of rural culture;
- Consolidate the network of relationships between different parties involved and / or interested in these aspects.
With regard to the second area of activities of in depth studies, the objectives are:
- Analyze the relationship between urban and rural in its diverse aspects (new forms of marketing, relationship with the citizens, provision of services and products, etc.).
- Analyze the topic of public goods in relation to agriculture and rural development;
- Establish the innovative trends of the agricultural and rural development, with particular attention to the multifunctionality of agriculture and business decisions;
- Analyze the contribution of immigration to the rural culture and the Italian entrepreneurial styles.
The project also provides support to Mipaaf for organization of initiatives in relation to the celebrations for the Unification of Italy.
Planned activities:
Seminars, field investigations, analysis, creation of promotional material and publications.