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Presentation of the 2011 Yearbook of Italian Agriculture

The 2012 edition of the Yearbook of Italian agriculture, will be presented by INEA in Rome on December 20 at 11: 30, at the "Hall of Parlamentino forest", State Forestry Department, Via Carducci, 5.

The spotlight will be on production, land market, multifunctionality and the green economy

After the initial greetings from President INEA Tiziano Zigiotto , the following interventions will follow:
Roberta Sardone, INEA which will present the volume in its main aspects

Maria Carmela Macri, INEA, will address the issue of labor in agriculture,
this is the subject of a monography that will be published by the journal "Agrisole".

Franco Braga, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry will complete the works.

The Yearbook of Italian Volume LXV, referring to the events of 2011, is divided into five parts and is completed, as usual, by an extensive appendix and detailed statistics at regional level.

The yearbook, in full, is available for the first time on the INEA website.
The site also contains all the tables included in current year, in addition to the database containing the historical series of the main data used since 2000.



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