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Inaugurazione Vinitaly

Presso lo stand INEA il presidente Tiziano Zigiotto ha incontrato il Console americano, Michael Richardson, Paolo De Castro, presidente Commissione agricoltura del Parlamento Europeo, il Consigliere Delegato dell'American Chamber of Commerce in Italy,Simone Crolla e l'On.Gianni Dal Moro. ...

Economy get its colors ... meeting with Andrea Segre

On 27nd of March 2013, there has been in Rome, at the National Institute of Agricultural Economics in Nomentana, 41 the meeting, : " Promotion of Peasant Culture ". Quotation from Andrea Segre "To escape the sadness, unnaturalness, cumbersome, vanity, futility and especially out of his...

Conference:"Race to the land in Italy"

On 15 and 16 March has been held in Rovigo the conference entitled "Race to the land in Italy?" organized by INEA with the Province of Rovigo...

Agricoltura e produzione alimentare tra Mediterraneo e Oriente: Italia e Iraq a confronto

On March 19, 2013 at the hall A. Serpieri INEA, Nomentana 41 Rome, there has been an international meeting  Agricoltura e produzione alimentare tra Mediterraneo e Oriente: Italia e Iraq a confronto Download 

INEA launches new website

Rome, March 11th It is now on line the new INEA website , the last step of a revision process  of the  Institute image. With attractive graphics and through the use of animations, the site has been completely renovated in all its parts. The work of renewal has been done with the aim...
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