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Seminario dal titolo:"Il sistema della conoscenza in agricoltura. Stato dell'arte e prospettive"

Sono state pubblicate le presentazioni del seminario interno dal titolo:"Il sistema della conoscenza in agricoltura. Stato dell'arte e prospettive", che si è svolto il 12 Marzo a Roma presso la sede dell'INEA.

Presentation the New Camaldolese historic-geographical Atlas and the documentary

On March 5, 2013 at the hall A. Serpieri INEA, Nomentana 41 Rome, there was the presentation of the new Camaldolese historical-geographical Atlas and the documentary "Come l’Abete Sapiente delle cose dell’Alto" carried out under the project "Forest Code Camaldolese, the roots of sustainability. "

Rules and Regulations for the marketing of olive oil. Lights and shadows in market dynamics

Was held in Rome at the INEA, Nomentana n. 41, a seminar organized within the project "Oil Olive Plan, Action 9.1 - Analysis normative" entitled "Rules and regulations for the marketing of olive oil. Lights and shadows in the dynamics of the market."

Public expenditure in agricultire: tools and methodologies for the analysis of sector policies

The workshop "Public Spending in Agriculture: tools and methodologies for the analysis of sector policies" was held February 21, 2013.

Seminar: "The potentiality of hydropower plants related to irrigation"

On 21nd of January 2013, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering, University of Rome La Sapienza (St. Peter in Chains), Classroom 1, a workshop was held oats subject of "The hydroelectric capacity related to irrigation" .
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