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The Olive Oil sector of the Val d'Agri: Competitiveness and Sustainable Development

The project which is aimed at defining strategies for the strengthening of productive chains of the Val d'Agri gets to the heart of its matter.  With a series of cognitive and participatory actions on the territory, the office of INEA Basilicata  starts this project conducted and funded...

Sustainable management of water resources for irrigation

The meeting "Sustainable management of water resources for irrigation" , which is organized by INEA with ISPA-CNR and Apulia region. It was held on 28 November in Bari.

Water and Food security: Food-Water and Food Supply Value Chains

On November 28 INEA organizes with Simone Cesaretti Foundation a workshop on "Water and Food security: Food-Water and Food Supply Value Chains".

Animal welfare and social well-being - Horse Fair

"Animal welfare and social well-being" organized by INEA, has been held on November 9 th, at the Sala Puccini - Verona Fiere, within the project "Promotion of Farming Culture ".

Innovation in rural development policies - 2014/2020

The Institute Agrobio has been host a workshop on "Innovation in rural development policies 2014-2020", on Thursday 7th November 2013 at 9.30 am., in Metaponto di Bernalda (MT). The renewed interest of the Community policy on Research and Innovation, as well as the chance to trigger the...
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