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Towards a sustainable consumption and a sustainable agriculture

E' disponibile on line la sintesi delle relazioni del convegno del 16 ottobre 2013 dal titolo: "Verso un'agricoltura e un consumo sostenibili", organizzato dall'INEA nell'ambito del progetto "Promozione della Cultura Contadina", in occasione della Giornata mondiale dell'alimentazione "Sistemi alimentari sostenibili per la sicurezza alimentare e la nutrizione".

Sustainability of the agro-food sector: Searching an optimal mix between subsidies and the market

INEA and the Foundation Simone Cesaretti promote a roundtable entitled "Sustainability of the agro-food sector: searching an optimal mix between subsidies and the market" to be held on September...

The future of Italian and eu organic farming: which opportunities for a greater Integration of Policies?

On September 9, 2013 in the city of Bologna was held the SANA (international exhibition of natural food) seminar "The future of organic farming in Italy and the EU: What opportunities for greater integration of policies?" Bologna Viale della Fiera, #20 Allemande Hall, Pavillion 33.

Sustainability in agriculture: results of the Project Biosus and research perspectives

INEA was host a conference in July, 15th 2013 at its Institute in Via Nomentana, 41 Rome on "Sustainability in Agriculture: Results of the Project Biosus", organized by the Alma Master Studiorum...

Water footprint application for water resources management in agriculture

On April 16, 2013 at the hall A. Serpieri INEA, Nomentana 41 Rome, t o be held  the workshop :" Water footprint application for water resources management in agriculture ". As a main...


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