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Agriculture as strategic sector for the safeguarding of water resources in the Mediterranean sea

On 20th June 2015 it has been held a conference entitled "Agriculture as strategic sector for the  safeguarding of water resources in the Mediterranean sea" at the Auditorium, "Palazzo Italia" of Expo 2015. Waiting for the next updating of the Water Framework Directive, the conference...

Italian oil and the quality challenge

It's now available on line the report entitled "PIQ – Prodotto interno di Qualità dell'olio", disclosed on 18 th June at Expo 2015, pavilion "Coldiretti". The meeting has dealt with the issue: "Italian oil and the quality challenge" in order to identify, measure and safeguarding the oil...

Seminario: "Interventi su grandi fenomeni franosi e convivenza con il rischio: il caso della frana di Montaguto"

The event has been held in Italian. "Interventi su grandi fenomeni franosi e convivenza con  il rischio: il caso della frana di Montaguto" , è il titolo del seminario che si terrà nei giorni  18 e 19 giugno a Savignano Irpino e a Montaguto, è dedicato agli interventi...

Convegno sul tema "Cambiamenti climatici, agricoltura e sicurezza alimentare nei paesi in via di sviluppo "

The event has been held in Italian. Si svolgerà il prossimo 17 giugno p.v. al Politecnico di Milano il convegno sul  tema " CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI, AGRICOLTURA E SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE NEI PAESI IN VIA DI SVILUPPO ". Sono previsti interventi di Francesco La Camera (Direttore Generale...

Final meeting: "Scenarios of climate changes for the Italian breeding, prospects and potentials"

The day of June 4th 2015 was held in Rome at the head office of the CRA at Via Nazionale 82, the Final meeting entitled: " Scenarios of climate changes for the Italian breeding, prospects and potentials"  organized within the project SCCAI (CRA-INEA), funded by the Ministry of...

Meeting with the operators - Scenarios of climate changes for Italian farms (SCCAI) - The results of the CRA-INEA study

On May 29 he was held in Cuneo the ninth meetings planned by the research project "Climate Change Scenarios for the Breeders Italian (SCCAI)", funded by INEA from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.  The meeting was able to to make known to the operators of the livestock sector...

The enhancement of the oil-mill's by-products

Is now available the presentation of the seminar, held on 28th May, in Florence, entitled " The enhancement of the oil-mill's by-products ", coordinated by "Agroenergie" and "Accademia dei Georgofili". The seminar has represented a cause for reflection about the demand and supply for...

The sustainable management of productive factors in agriculture: the FATIMA project

On the 26th and 27th of  May, was held in Rome at the head office CRA-INEA and Tarquinia in the buildings of Reclamation Consortium, the 1st Regional Meeting of the "FATIMA"  project  (Farming Tools for external nutrient inputs and water MAnagement). The "FATIMA"...
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