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Lazio Regional Office

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L'agricoltura nel Lazio in cifre - 2012

"L'Agricoltura nel Lazio in cifre", in synergy with the brochure "Italian agriculture in figures", represents now a well-established publication among the various Institutional printings produced by INEA.
The pamphlet, which is now in its fifth year of existence, aims to spread the regional agricultural data in an analytical way and it also oriented to be a useful tool to reflections on strategies and most suitable measures to support and revitalize the regional agricultural sector.
It is a publication that provides the main interpretation in order to deepen and know the dynamics that characterize the most important economic sector of our region and it is part of a phase of the Community policy reform with reference to the future rural development programming for the period 2014-2020.
The data show how farms in Lazio tend to require more and more medium and long-term subsidies in order to maintain or acquire the necessary liquidity to overcome this prolonged period of crisis.
It should also be noted that over the past five years (2008-2012) the operating companies in the field of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing have declined by more than 10%, especially at the expense of individual businesses, accompanied by a modest development of companies such as those of corporate, people and capital management which in five years grew respectively by 7.9% and 7.2%.
In this difficult context, the value of regional agricultural production of 2011 increased by 2.7% compared to the previous year. If we compare the data with 2010 we notice that the industry that has grown more than any other is that of livestock sector (+8.8%), where the poultry and pork have major growth.
The weight of Lazio region on the exports of national agro-food continued to remain stable while its weight on the national agro-food imports decreases in 2011 if compared to 2010, whereas the incidence of the region on Italy's total imports increased (+ 0.5%).
However, also the year 2011 was affected by an increase in trade flows of incoming food products (+2.6% compared to 2010) and, most importantly, in the trade flows of outgoing (+6.1%) thus showing an improvement of the balance of the primary sector over the previous year.

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Year of publication 2013
Authors: Lucia Briamonte, Silvia Coderoni, Roberta De Vito, Sabrina Giuca, Giampiero Golisano, Paolo Graziosi, Claudio Liberati, Flavio Lupia, Irene Maffeo, Antonio Papaleo, Roberto Solazzo, Silvia Vanino
Edited by: Roberta De Vito, Antonio Papaleo 


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