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Lombardy Agriculture in figures

L'Agricoltura Lombarda Conta 2013

The publication is an easy  and updated support to use and consult, about the food and forestry in the Lombardia region. The volume has been created by INEA's researchers and experts from the academic world, with which the General Management of Agricolture of the Region of Lombardia has undertaken in the analysis of future planning. In 2012 the value of agricultural production of the region Lombardia, is equivalent to about 7.2 billion Euros, the value remains constant over the previous year, as a result the decrease in the overall amount (-3.7%), influenced by the agro-meteorological condition of 'crop year', compensated by an average increase in prices (+3.8%). The static value of the production, together with an increase in the intermediate consumption (+3%), essentially due to an increase in prices, however, this causes an erosion of the regional agricultural added value of 4.2%; The value of agricultural production remains, in 2012, higher than pre-crisis levels, while the agricultural added value of region Lombardia still does not return the levels of 2007-08 and in real terms, at national level, goes from 12.2% to '11.9%.

In the face of the falling incomes in the Agricultural sector and in relation to some issues related to the provision of credit, the Lombardia Region has promoted a series of interventions, on the one hand, to facilitate the functioning of credit and, secondly, to enable a greater cash flow to the agricultural sector. Positive signals coming from some sectors that detect a growth in consumption, but they are the agri-food exports to record a positive trend in recent years, supported by the conduct of the foreign demand. In 2012, the agri-food exports have grown by 4.9% compared to 3.8% of the total exports. The products of the food industry - dairy, meats prepared, wine - the largest single item of agri-food exports; between the opportunities for regional development of agriculture, the agri-food exports is, therefore, a factor important boost to motivate the choices of adjustament of agricultural enterprises, which are needed for the orientation towards foreign markets, such as the aggregation of producers, the integration of the supply chains and the increased ability to network.

Daniele Bellomo, Danilo Bertoni, Lucia Briamonte, Roberto Cagliero, Maurizio Castelli, Simonetta De Leo, Stefano Dell'Acqua, Paola Doria, Maria Silvia Giannini, Sabrina Giuca, Rita Iacono, Teresa Lettieri, Claudio Liberati, Pietro Manzoni di Chiosca e Poggiolo, Sonia Marongiu, Renato Pieri, Roberto Pretolani, Serena Tarangioli, Maria Rosaria Pupo d'Andrea.

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