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Lo stato del mercato forestale del carbonio In Italia 2012

The report "State of the Italian Forest Carbon Market 2012" presents the analysis of the voluntary carbon credits transaction realized in Italy or thanks to forest projects developed by Italian...

Pianificazione di indirizzo forestale su area vasta in Basilicata. Il CASO ALTO AGRI

The Territorial Forestry Plan of Orientation, published as part of a project subsidized by the Mountain Community “Alto Agri” , was drawn up on the basis of structural data collected in the field with specific surveys and it involves also local Institutions and operators who expressed their opinion on the current and future use of forest for each municipality.

Valutare i programmi di sviluppo rurale: approcci, metodi ed esperienze

It’s online the volume "Assess the rural development programs: approaches, methods and experiences", implemented under the activities of the Structural Policies.

Analisi e approfondimenti sul post 2013 Foreste e Politiche di sviluppo rurale. Stato dell'arte, opportunità mancate e prospettive strategiche

It is available online the book "Forests and rural development policies. State of the art, missed opportunities and strategic perspectives ", carried out within the activities of the Observatory of Structural Policies.

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Daniela Storti

tel. 06 47856436


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