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    Il sistema degli aiuti accoppiati della PAC. L'applicazione dell'articolo 68 del Reg. (CE) n. 73/2009 in alcuni paesi UE

    The support to the agricultural sector guaranteed by the CAP is becoming more and more like a decoupled from production. This process is now in a phase of further consolidation through the reform 2014-2020 and the requirement of the regionalization that will help ensure a more consistent help on the territory. However, the approach of coupled support has not been abandoned altogether, but limited, since the 2003 Fischler reform, aimed at selective support to meet a wide range of "needs" while allowing Member States more flexibility to adapt aid to national specificities.

    Italy has used the possibility provided by Article 68 of Regulation (EC) no. 73/2009 to loosen the bond of decoupling and guarantee a share of more or less support coupled to production in favor of or production areas particularly vulnerable and in need of special funds that would guarantee their survival.

    The reform of the CAP, which will be fully operational in 2015, will have the possibility to grant a voluntary coupled support in favor of the sector and / or areas that are of particular importance for economic, social and environmental aspects and those who are in difficulty.

    This volume aims to focus on the purpose, application and evolution of Article 68 (COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 73/2009) in Italy and in the EU, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this legislation and its implementation in our country.

    The volume also aims to provide policy makers some points for reflection and a good base of knowledge for the choices to be made in relation to the new system of voluntary coupled support under current phase of reform. INEA, in agreement with the institutions involved, actively participates in shaping the national application of the CAP, providing an analytical contribution to support the decision-making process.

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