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Common Agricultural Policy
International negotiation
Public spending for agriculture
Climate change
Sustainable use of natural resources
Environmental and agriculture policies
Socio-economic informative system
on functioning of factory farms
Research system
Development regional services
Social and cultural feature of agricolture
Food chain quality
Control and certification systems
Agricultural policies changes
Effects on enterprises adaptation
Rural policies
Transformation processes of agriculture
Supports tools for rural development
Cyclical analysis
Periodic surveys
Agro-food chains


Emissioni di gas serra degli allevamenti italiani. Quali scenari?

It is now available the booklet of the project Climate Change Scenarios for the Italian Livestock, that provides a knowledge framework for the farmers about the several mitigation options in the...

Nota trimestrale nazionale sull'andamento meteoclimatico e le implicazioni in agricoltura. Aprile-Giugno 2014

The Italian report producted by INEA on climate trends and implications in agriculture for the period April-June 2014 is now available. It describes the problems of the agriculture sector related...

Atlas of Italian Irrigation systems

In Italy, the agricultural development has been strongly linked to the access to water and the irrigated cropping systems have always been an important sectorin terms of income and employment. ...

Nota trimestrale nazionale sull’andamento meteoclimatico e le implicazioni in agricoltura. Gennaio-Marzo 2014

The Italian report producted by INEA on climate trends and implications in agriculture for the period January-March 2014 is now available. It describes the problems of the agriculture sector...

L'evoluzione del fotovoltaico in Italia: analisi critica e prospettive alla luce del regime di incentivazione con il "conto energia"

In the agreement frame INEA /GSE concerning the creation of "Specialized consulting services for technical and administrative support to the management of applications for admission to the energy account"...

Nota trimestrale nazionale sull'andamento climatico e le implicazioni in agricoltura. Ottobre-Dicembre 2013

Report on climate trends and implications in agriculture in Italy - October-December 2013 Testo: The Italian report producted by INEA on climate trends and implications in agriculture for the...

Water and Food security: Food-Water and Food Supply Value Chains

It is now available the pubblication of the documents on the workshop: "Water and Food security: Food-Water and Food Supply Value Chains", held in Rome on 28th November 2013, organized by INEA...

Analisi territoriale delle criticità: strumenti e metodi per l'integrazione delle politiche per le risorse idriche

On the INEA website is available the publication "Analysis of the territorial problems: tools and methods for the integration of agricultural policies for water resources - Application in Northern and Southern Italy ." ...

Nota trimestrale nazionale sull'andamento climatico e le implicazioni in agricoltura. Aprile - Giugno 2013

The Italian report producted by INEA on climate trends and implications in agriculture for the period April-June 2013 is now available.

A Model-based irrigation water consumption estimation at farm level

This publication contains an exhaustive description of the developed methodological approach to estimate the irrigation water consumption at farm level in Italy by using the data collected though the 6th General Agricultural Census realized by ISTAT in the period 2010-2012.

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