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Common Agricultural Policy
International negotiation
Public spending for agriculture
Climate change
Sustainable use of natural resources
Environmental and agriculture policies
Socio-economic informative system
on functioning of factory farms
Research system
Development regional services
Social and cultural feature of agricolture
Food chain quality
Control and certification systems
Agricultural policies changes
Effects on enterprises adaptation
Rural policies
Transformation processes of agriculture
Supports tools for rural development
Cyclical analysis
Periodic surveys
Agro-food chains


La castanicoltura da frutto in Italia

Il presente rapporto di ricerca è stato elaborato nell'ambito del progetto "BIOINFOCAST" finanziato dal MiPAAF in attuazione del Piano nazionale del settore castanicolo 2010-2013. Con questa...

L'agricoltura biologica nello sviluppo rurale e l'uso della RICA per il calcolo dei pagamenti delle aziende biologiche

The main objective of the Working Paper "The organic farming in the rural development and the use of the FADN method to calculate the payments  of the organic farms" is to provide a starting...

L'agricoltura italiana attraverso la banca dati rica: alcune ipotesi di utilizzo dell'analisi dei cluster

Over the recent years many agricultural economists tried to carried out the typological classification of farms, in order to identify the structural and economic differences within the agricultural...

Rica Flash 2011

This work discloses the main economic, capital and structural characteristics of farms detected by the Farm Accountancy Data Network which already began in 2007.

La RICA per il controfattuale: un'applicazione dello statistical matching

The work was developed as part of the activities of the Task Force Monitoring & Evaluation of the National Rural Network. The publication deals with a particular methodology, the Statistical matching, for a counter-factual analysis.

Il costo di produzione del latte bovino in Valle d'Aosta attraverso il campione aziendale costante RICA/UE 2007-2011

This survey was carried out in the context of a specific agreement between the Directorate for Agriculture of the Autonomous Region of Valle D’Aosta (ARVA) and INEA whose main purpose is to gather relevant evidence to the rescheduling of the rural development measures and regional agricultural policies for the period 2014-2020.


The use of RICA to estimate the cost of production in agriculture. Application of econometric and mathematical programming methodologies

This book, which is part of the research activities done under the project FACEPA, financed by the EU under the VII research framework, presents some of the most important results of the estimation of agricultural production costs done with econometric and mathematic programming models.

Note di contabilità forestale Aspetti metodologici e primi risultati del progetto pilota sulla RICA forestale (RICA -FOR)

The book, realized within the activities RICA (FADN), presents the results of the work of adapting the agricultural accounts (in particular the GAIA schema) to the forestry sector and is divided into two parts.


È stato pubblicato il quaderno RICA dal titolo "RICA: FLASH 2010" a cura di Simonetta De Leo e Paola Doria in cui sono presentate le caratteristiche strutturali ed i principali risultati economici delle aziende agricole dell'universo rappresentato dal campione RICA - INEA 2010

Impact of direct payments on farm income - current scenario and after 2013

It has been published the RICA Working paper entitled "Incidenza dei pagamenti diretti sui redditi agricoli - scenario attuale e post 2013" (Impact of direct payments on farm income - current scenario and post-2013) by Concetta Cardillo, Damiano Li Vecchi, Simona Romeo Lironcurti, Alfonso Scardera, Francesco Tropea.

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