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Competitività dell'impresa e tutela dei lavoratori: obiettivi compatibili in agricoltura?

La risorsa umana ha un ruolo fondamentale per lo sviluppo aziendale e per la crescita economica. Il seminario "Compe­titività dell'impresa e tutela dei lavoratori: obiettivi compatibili in...

Singolare, femminile, rurale Un'indagine sulla realtà femminile rurale italiana attraverso le testimonianze dirette delle protagoniste

A survey of the rural Italian women reality through the direct testimony of the protagonists Is available the Singular Women Rural volume, a narrative contextualized by 18 stories of women...

Il riconoscimento del valore del paesaggio agrario nella politica agricola comune

The landscape is actually a historically determined by the relationship between man and the environment; Its management often raises discussions and open disputes between the various actors...

FARMERS AND SHORT CHAIN Legal profiles and socio-economic dynamics

It is published in English the book "Agricoltori e filiera corta. Profili giuridici e dinamiche socio-economiche" ( "Farmers and short chain. Legal profiles and socio-economic dynamics") that contains the proceedings of the seminar organized by INEA within the project "Promozione della cultura contadina".

Le imprese straniere nel settore agricolo in Italia

The report summarizes the results of a survey conducted by the Foundation Leone Moressa on behalf of INEA, within the Project “Promotion of Rural Culture” financed by the Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry..

Coltivare salute: agricoltura sociale e nuove ipotesi di welfare

The book presents the reports of the speakers from the seminar Nurturing health: Social Farming and new hypotheses of welfare,which was held in Rome at the Ministry of Health, October 18, 2012.

Innovative actions of social farming and their evaluation

The social farming (AS) appears as a complex phenomenon not yet well defined and restricted. This phenomenon includes practical and theoretical references also very different from each other.

Agricultural social cooperation in Italy. An overview from the data of the chamber of commerce

The publication is based on data acquired from Euricse using the International AIDA database and subsequently integrated and reworked.

Farmers and short chain: legal profiles and socio-economic dynamics

The "Farmers and short chain. Legal profiles and socio-economic dynamics" book was published. It contains the proceedings of the INEA seminar organized within the project "Promotion of rural culture".


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