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Il riconoscimento del valore del paesaggio agrario nella politica agricola comune

The landscape is actually a historically determined by the relationship between man and the environment; Its management often raises discussions and open disputes between the various actors involved, in particular when the landscape is agricultural and the objective is to achieve a balance between environmental protection and development. 

In this context, an important role is played by the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) and, which is more than half a century, the main sector of intervention in the agricultural sector. The CAP has contributed to changing the landscape of European rural areas, particularly in those who have had to adapt to most European policies.

In view of this, the present work intends to trace the evolution of the CAP in relation to the Italian agricultural landscapes, in order to stimulate the debate on the new challenges in the development of rural areas where the agricultural landscape is a resource to be be preserved and in which to invest.

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