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Singolare, femminile, rurale Un'indagine sulla realtà femminile rurale italiana attraverso le testimonianze dirette delle protagoniste

A survey of the rural Italian women reality through the direct testimony of the protagonists Is available the Singular Women Rural volume, a narrative contextualized by 18 stories of women employed in agriculture. Without the ambition to investigate all areas, the book aims to explore the adaptive capacity of women, their continued commitment to the pursuit, face obstacles and overcome them. Through the personal story of each of the main characters - their relationships and activities, technical and economic problems overcome and those yet to be addressed, organizational solutions in order to found time to reconcile family and work, personal relationship with the natural element – the volume tried to emphasize the evolution of life, but also of the social role of women in rural Italian framework.

Opening a window and look to the changes in the world of women, regarding the agricultural field and not only on its specific problems and solution strategies, what we want to promote is the active participation of women in the primary sector and to reduce the gender gap existent, without pretending to provide an universal protocols, consciousness that the problems of agriculture are complex as the paths to arrive to their solutions.

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