In the next years the themes of knowledge and innovation will be central to the political and economic agenda of the European Union as they are considered important factors for growth and development.
Particularly in agriculture, the purpose of the intervention will be the increasing of productivity in accordance with sustainability, this will be achieved through the acceleration of research and the organization of the most effective circulation of the innovative results between businesses and rural areas.
The aim will be to continue the analysis activities already under way on the components of the system extending the investigations from the regional level (already well investigated by Center) at national and European level and participating in specific projects (MIPAAF calls and Framework Programmes EU) and strengthening partnerships with the Service IV (Research and development) MIPAAF and DG Agriculture (D1 and D3) and DG Research (Standing Commitee of Agricultural Research) of the European Commission.
In the future will be completed in-depth studies of the agricultural enterprises and their initiatives through agricultural FADN data and investigations
Thus to provide costumers with more detailed informations on priority actions and how to better tailor interventions.
The field of study on the social and cultural aspects that concern the relations between town and country regarding food production , environmental services and social goods will be thoroughly investigated.
On these issues, collaborations with other research institutes and universities nationally and internationally, are already begun with the aim of deepening the central aspects such as changes that affect marketing (short chain, farmers markets, etc.), the restoration and enhancement of the diversity of native species.
All of this will further strengthen the network of consultants and technicians that provide adequate support to farmers.