#Exploitation, Tent city and slavery in Italian agriculture.
Iniziative a Mentana per la Giornata Mondiale dell'Alimentazione nell'Anno Internazionale dell'Agricoltura Familiare

Seminar: "Singolare, femminile, rurale"
FAMILY FARMING. A resource for food security and social cohesion
"Cultivating the city. Agriculture in urban and suburban areas. The case of Rome"
Seminar: "Reduce the surplus and waste in the agri-food chain. Which strategies?"
Was it worse before? Journey into the rural life of the mid-twentieth century

Grow your future
The fourth meeting of the seminar series "Grow Your Future", entitled "Sustaining agricultural activity and place for everyone: the multifunctionality", took place on December 16 at 14.30 in La Tenuta del Cavaliere (Lunghezza) - Via tenuta della Mistica s.n.c. – Rome. ...