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Common Agricultural Policy
International negotiation
Public spending for agriculture
Climate change
Sustainable use of natural resources
Environmental and agriculture policies
Socio-economic informative system
on functioning of factory farms
Research system
Development regional services
Social and cultural feature of agricolture
Food chain quality
Control and certification systems
Agricultural policies changes
Effects on enterprises adaptation
Rural policies
Transformation processes of agriculture
Supports tools for rural development
Cyclical analysis
Periodic surveys
Agro-food chains


The quality and sustainability of agricultural and food chains contribute to the definition of trajectories of agricultural and forestry systems and their development .

This is possible combining the three pillars of sustainable development
1-economic (competitive industries), 2 social (the coexistence of different types of parties, farms and territories), 3 the environment.

Among the topics considered one that stands out is the quality of food chains with particular attention to systems of public regulation and voluntary certification including organic farming, or the standards required by the private operators.

The issue of quality and safety of food is a matter of discussion at the international level which is addressed by a variety of international organizations such as FAO, and the World Health Organization. A reputation for high quality is becoming increasingly necessary to support the competitiveness and profitability of Italian and European agriculture.

Consumers increasingly demand authentic products made with traditional and certified methods.
Labeling system and designations of product's origin are some of the tools used to communicate the characteristics of the product and production methods to buyers and consumers.
A system of rules, and sanctions is necessary to protect consumers and producers in relation to unfair commercial practices.
This explains the commitment of Center, within this field of research, in a study activity aimed to offer technical and scientific contribution to improve the efficiency of the system of quality control of the food chains.

Facing the challenges of sustainability also means, in line with what is proposed by the European Union, to focus on the bio-economy and especially on the production and processing of renewable bio-resources and waste into products such as food, feed, bio-based and bio-energy,  through a low environmental impact production systems.


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