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L'internazionalizzazione del biologico italiano

È disponibile online  il volume "L'internazionalizzazione del biologico italiano" , realizzato nell'ambito delle attività di un progetto di ricerca INEA finanziato dal MiPAAF nell'ambito del...

Capitale sociale e sviluppo locale - Dalla teoria alla valutazione empirica in aree rurali in Italia

Economic research on social capital has often asked why territories with  similar physical, human and institutional capital show different economic performances.  The hypothesis...

Agriculture and public goods - Collective action for the governance of the territory

The book focuses on the relationship between agriculture and public goods, an issue of topical interest which is increasingly shaping the debate on the future of agricultural and rural development...

La governance come fattore di sviluppo

The main focus here is on the EU Rural Development Plans (RDPs) and the Cohesion programmes, as they have been implemented in Italian regions. Italy is a very emblematic case of...

Nuova imprenditoria per l'agricoltura italiana. Caratteri, dinamiche e strutture aziendali

In recent years, the Italian agriculture has seen a steady leakage of labor force so as to show up today with the following characteristics: a high number of workers sixties, slow generational turnover of work and the trend towards feminisation of the industry.
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