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Nuove strategie per migliorare l'attrattività delle misure agroambientali. Il caso del PSR FVG 2007 - 2013

Questo studio è dedicato alla questione agroambientale del Friuli Venezia Giulia, un sistema che dovrebbe esprimere prodotti agricoli sostenibili e di qualità, ma anche beni pubblici ambientali.

La responsabilità sociale per le imprese del settore agricolo e agroalimentare

The volume "La responsabilità sociale per le imprese del settore agricolo e agroalimentare" sets the ground for the application of CSR strategies within companies and stakeholders in the sector. The essay pretends to deepen motivations, methods and tools to be addressed to those players wanting to satisfy the new expectations of consumers in relation to the production, transformation and marketing stages. The overall target of the volume is to promote a new way to do business according to an integrated approach, encompassing the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability.

Risk management through insurance and environmental externalities: an italian case study

This study evaluates the impacts of risk management policies on the environment. The effects of public risk management programmes, such as subsidised crop insurance, on optimal...

Casi studio - Le esperienze italiane sulla responsabilità sociale nel settore agricolo e agroalimentare

"Italian experiences on corporate social responsibility" aims at finding common patterns in the adoption of CSR practices and assessing their impact in terms of internal organization and business results....

Linee guida - Promuovere la responsabilità sociale delle imprese agricole e agroalimentari

In the past few years, socio-environmental issues have become an integral part of the agricultural policies' content. In fact, the latest development patterns are demanding a different understanding of competitiveness, entailing commitment towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. Within the agribusiness sector, the new challenge lies in the capability of farms to produce healthy and genuine...


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