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Common Agricultural Policy
International negotiation
Public spending for agriculture
Climate change
Sustainable use of natural resources
Environmental and agriculture policies
Socio-economic informative system
on functioning of factory farms
Research system
Development regional services
Social and cultural feature of agricolture
Food chain quality
Control and certification systems
Agricultural policies changes
Effects on enterprises adaptation
Rural policies
Transformation processes of agriculture
Supports tools for rural development
Cyclical analysis
Periodic surveys
Agro-food chains


Workshop: "Establishing Operational Groups Under Rural Development Programmes"

The European Innovation Partnership on "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability" (EIP-AGRI) works to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry throughout the EU. It aims to...

Good Practice Workshop - "National Rural Networks: how to show their benefits"

On 10 and 11 April, INEA has hosted the workshop "National Rural Networks: how to show Their benefits" of the European Network of Evaluation. The event aimed to promote the exchange of experiences...

Forest Stewardship Council TOUR 2014

Find enclosed the final program of the meeting of Tuesday, April 8th at INEA in Rome, along with the official press release of the initiative.  On the official website: ...

Social responsability in the food system. Naples, 4 april 2014

Social responsibility is increasingly an opportunity for development and a competitive factor for all those who work and interact with their local community and are committed to integrate the...

Social farming as a driver of regional development - Room to the responsibility

The National Rural Network has organized, at the Hall of shared social responsibility, in Naples, on 29 March, a workshop to discuss social farming, also in view of the next programming period. ...

Social farming. An opportunity for the 2014-2020 programming

Within the National Rural Network on March 10th 2014 at the Sala Cavour Via XX Settembre 20 Rome, the INEA institute is organizing a seminar in order to provide useful informations and insights to implement ...

Seminar: Innovation in "Leader" strategies for local development: proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period

On February 27, 2014, 9:30 to 17:00 INEA (room Serpieri), Nomentana 41 - Rome, organized the Seminar: Innovation in "Leader" strategies for local development: proposals for the 2014-2020...

Workshop: "Partnership Agreement and Rural Development Programs 2014-2020: how to facilitate the integration of funds"

February 26th, 2014 – 9,30 / 17,00 –  INEA (Sala Serpieri), Via Nomentana, 41 – Rome Over the past few months, the Commission has published the final version of the Community...

Forestry and rural development policies for the 2014-2020 programming

Sono stati pubblicati gli Atti del Convegno Nazionale Forestale "Politiche forestali e di sviluppo rurale per la programmazione 2014-2020" che si è tenuto il 15 e 16 gennaio presso l'Aula Magna del Rettorato di Firenze (Piazza San Marco, 4).

Short supply chains into the new dynamic city/country

May 29, 2013 was held in Rome, at the National Institute of Agricultural Economics (INEA), Via Nomentana n. 41, a workshop on "Short supply chains into the new dynamic city/country" organized by Cursa in collaboration with the INEA and the National Rural Network.
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