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Common Agricultural Policy
International negotiation
Public spending for agriculture
Climate change
Sustainable use of natural resources
Environmental and agriculture policies
Socio-economic informative system
on functioning of factory farms
Research system
Development regional services
Social and cultural feature of agricolture
Food chain quality
Control and certification systems
Agricultural policies changes
Effects on enterprises adaptation
Rural policies
Transformation processes of agriculture
Supports tools for rural development
Cyclical analysis
Periodic surveys
Agro-food chains


Elements for the preparation of the RDP (Rural Development Plan) 2014-2020: guidelines from the European Commission

Friday, May 24 was held in the INEA “Serpieri” hall the workshop - Elements for the preparation of the RDP 2014-2020: guidelines from the European Commission -. The seminar is intended for the different managing authorities and to all those subjects that will contribute to an ex-ante evaluation, analysis of the context and needs.

Presentation the New Camaldolese historic-geographical Atlas and the documentary

On March 5, 2013 at the hall A. Serpieri INEA, Nomentana 41 Rome, there was the presentation of the new Camaldolese historical-geographical Atlas and the documentary "Come l’Abete Sapiente delle cose dell’Alto" carried out under the project "Forest Code Camaldolese, the roots of sustainability. "
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