Common Agricultural Policy
International negotiation
Public spending for agriculture
Climate change
Sustainable use of natural resources
Environmental and agriculture policies
Socio-economic informative system
on functioning of factory farms
Research system
Development regional services
Social and cultural feature of agricolture
Food chain quality
Control and certification systems
Agricultural policies changes
Effects on enterprises adaptation
Rural policies
Transformation processes of agriculture
Supports tools for rural development
Cyclical analysis
Periodic surveys
Agro-food chains

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Content with tag responsabilità sociale.

Social responsability in the food system. Naples, 4 april 2014

Social responsibility is increasingly an opportunity for development and a competitive factor for all those who work and interact with their local community and are committed to integrate the...

La terra in cammino n. 6 - 2013

INEA has published the sixth edition of his magazine on-line, providing updated and usable information on the main activities of the Institute.

Seminario "La Tutela della competitività delle Imprese e del Sistema Paese"

Data: 20 giugno 2013 Luogo:  ISTITUTO LUIGI STURZO  Via delle Coppelle 35 - ROMA Seminario: "La Tutela della competitività delle Imprese e del Sistema Paese"  ...

Master interateneo di II livello in Sviluppo competitivo sostenibile e Responsabilità d'impresa

Il Master è attivato dall'Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, l'Università degli Studi di Firenze e la LUISS Guido Carli, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Simone Cesaretti. Sono...

Custodi di identità. Storie di contadini e delle loro vigne

Custodi di identità is the result of an editorial collaboration between INEA and Consorzio Viniveri. The book is complementary to the study on sustainability of the Italian wine industry started in January 2012 . The activity falls under the umbrella of the INEA studies on social responsibility in the agri-food system,moving away from the mere economic analysis of the sector, and focusing instead on 17 "natural" winegrowers, their motivations and their philosophies of life.

La responsabilità sociale per le imprese del settore agricolo e agroalimentare

The volume "La responsabilità sociale per le imprese del settore agricolo e agroalimentare" sets the ground for the application of CSR strategies within companies and stakeholders in the sector. The essay pretends to deepen motivations, methods and tools to be addressed to those players wanting to satisfy the new expectations of consumers in relation to the production, transformation and marketing stages. The overall target of the volume is to promote a new way to do business according to an integrated approach, encompassing the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability.

Percorsi di responsabilità sociale nei rapporti di filiera. l'ortofrutta e la zootecnia da carne

In recent decades the role of agriculture has undergone a profound review: besides providing produce for the whole community, agriculture is asked to offer social and environmental services; moreover, the agri-food company is every day more oriented towards the research of product quality, i.e. the intrinsic healthiness and the ability to represent the interests and needs of the stakeholders involved. In such a fragmented sector, where companies are often family-run (and therefore too small to deal with market constraints), the degree to which they are involved in the supply chain is therefore key to implement the principles of social responsibility. To this extent, the Italian zoo-technical, fruit and vegetable sectors described in the publication offer an example of CSR at the supply chain level.

Atti del seminario - La responsabilità sociale d'impresa: un'opportunità per il sistema agroalimentare

In recent decades the role of agriculture has undergone a profound review: besides providing produce for the whole community, agriculture is asked to offer social and environmental services; moreover, the agri-food company is every day more oriented towards the research of product quality, i.e. the intrinsic healthiness and the ability to represent the interests and needs of the stakeholders involved. In such a fragmented sector, where companies are often family-run (and therefore too small to deal with market constraints), the degree to which they are involved in the supply chain is therefore key to implement the principles of social responsibility. To this extent, the Italian zoo-technical, fruit and vegetable sectors described in the publication offer an example of CSR at the supply chain level.

Comportamenti e consumi socialmente responsabili nel sistema agroalimentare

In the last few years, responsible consumption has played a key role to highlight consumers' concern as far as the four macro-areas are regarded. To this extent, the work of INEA has a double goal: on one hand, understanding the main features of the ethical consumers and the purchase drivers likewise; upon the other hand, identifying the communication strategies implemented by those companies that undertook a CSR path in the agribusiness sector.


I metodi di produzione sostenibile nel sistema agroalimentare

An agricultural system is sustainable if the overall impacts produced do not hamper the ecosystem to regenerate. The INEA work group on sustainable production methods reviews numerous examples of social responsibility applied to the agro-food system divided per macro-areas....


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